Master Gardeners

Master Gardeners

Master Gardener Program

The Extension Master Gardener Program was created to meet an increase in requests from home gardeners for horticultural information. This increase derives primarily from the urban and transient nature of modern American life. Fifty years ago, an Extension agent dealt with the questions of a few hundred farm families. In many regions, however, land that once constituted a single farm now encompasses several subdivisions, increasing the number of families an Extension office must serve. In additions, many of these families are unfamiliar with the grasses, shrubs, trees, and diseases that comprise the microenvironment of their new home. They often will call their local Extension office for advice on what to plant and how to care for it. Consequently, the Extension Master Gardener Program was created in 1973 in the state of Washington. Since then it has spread nationwide. The Pikeville Master Gardener group meets the second Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office. This group continuously works on projects to beautify their communities and our county.

For more information on the Master Gardener program in Pike County or on how to become a Master Gardener contact Extension Agent, Suzanne Stumbo.


Master Gardener Logo



chair with gardening supplies